This book covers items ranging from reviews and information about the different track day organizations and the tracks, to preparing your motorcycle, to the sequence of events, to busting the many myths that I've heard for years from other riders.
The professionally-bound second edition is available for delivery($15) or for electronic download($10) via my Lulu storefront. Click the link to purchase either one. If you have an iPhone, and would like to have a reusable checklist, all the same content, as well as an even cheaper purchase price, try the iPhone version!
Chapter list:
- Why a track day?
- So what IS a track day?
- Myths
- What to take with you when you go
- Preparing your motorcycle for the track
- Preparing the rider
- How to safety-wire
- Transporting your bike
- Sequence of events at the track
- Corner Working
- Packing Check List
The one thing I specifically DO NOT cover, is how to ride your bike. There are many fine books for that, as well as the excellent instructors at the local schools. I wanted to cover everything else that you might need to know.
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