Passenger's Side Front Notes

Everything that applies in the Driver's Side Notes applies here as well. However, there is one major note of interest for the passenger's side installation. The power steering sensor has a bracket(at least on a '98) that interferes with the camber plate. I had to remove the bracket entirely, and have yet to find a decent replacement for that bracket.

Working around that hard line is the hardest thing. I wanted to not damage the line, and it's sitting exactly where the fiber cutoff wheel would be while cutting the "teeth" in the strut tower. So I ended up using a dremel tool with a flexi shaft and a LOT of little cutoff discs to do effectively the same job, just a lot slower. I burned through about 5of those little sandy cutoff discs taking out the stuff that I couldn't get to with the big cutoff wheel. I finished off with the grinding stones to get the flash off and to smooth out the surfaces.

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